§ 8.04. Initiatory petitions.  

Latest version.
  • A public improvement, the cost of which in whole or in part is to be defrayed by special assessment, may be initiated by a petition as hereafter provided.

    An initiatory petition shall be signed by not less than fifty-one (51%) percent of the property owners in the proposed public improvement special district and all signatures on the petition shall be obtained within 30 days before the date of filing with the City Clerk. Any such petition shall be addressed to the City Council and shall describe the proposed special assessment district.

    For the purpose of obtaining signatures to the petition as property owners, a signature by one tenant in the case of tenants by the entireties or joint tenancies shall be considered adequate. In the case of tenants-in-common, the signatures of all known tenants shall be a requirement, and in case of property being sold on land contract, the party in whose name the property is assessed for taxation shall be deemed to be the owner of that property.