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  • We, the People of the City of Ypsilanti, by the grace of Almighty God, and pursuant to authority granted by the Constitution and the Laws of the State of Michigan, in order to secure the benefits of local self-government, and otherwise to promote our common welfare, do hereby ordain and establish this Charter for the City of Ypsilanti.


    I. PUBLIC OFFICE IS A PUBLIC TRUST. Public servants should treat public office as a public trust, using the powers and resources of public office only to advance public interests, and not to attain personal benefits or pursue any private interest incompatible with the public good.

    II. PRINCIPLE OF INDEPENDENT, OBJECTIVE JUDGMENT. Public servants should employ independent, objective judgment in performing their duties, deciding all matters on the merits, free from conflicts of interest and apparent improper influences.

    III. PRINCIPLE OF ACCOUNTABILITY. Public servants should assure that government is conducted openly, efficiently, equitably and honorably in a manner that permits the citizenry to make informed judgments and hold government officials accountable.

    IV. PRINCIPLE OF DEMOCRATIC LEADERSHIP. Public servants should honor and respect the principles and spirit of representative democracy and set a positive example of good citizenship by scrupulously observing the letter and spirit of laws and rules.

    V. PRINCIPLE OF RESPECTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. Public servants should safeguard public confidence in the integrity of government by being honest, fair, caring and respectful and by avoiding conduct which creates the appearance of impropriety or which is otherwise unbefitting a public official.

    From the Josephson Institute Government Ethics Center, PUBLIC SERVICE ETHICS, SUMMARY OF PRINCIPLES AND GUIDELINES.